Daynote ,Svenson

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MM-i     Saturday





We had something between drizzle and falling mist all day. It didn't rain but yet you did get wet outside. Just not the happy weather I hoped for. Being 6°C trough out didn't help.

Lots of 'crackers' (or were that non millennium proof computers :-°) and un-official fireworks, starting at around 23h30 yesterday but it didn't last long. Maybe due to the weather

The only thing that actually went down was the telephone network. It didn't go down really but, like every new year the load of phone calls is just too much for the poor old copper cables. I had to try about 14 times before I finally got a connection to upload my notes. And that was before 24h00. I suspect more than a few modems lost their connection later on. A few toast and a glass of wine later I went to bed.

I haven't tested my computers for Y2K compliance and I did not install any special programs to make them safe. Heck I didn't even take a backup for the occasion, just my regular daily routine. Was I being brave? or stupid, ignorant or ... ? Well not really; I don't have any critical information stored on my boxes and I don't use them for generating income so if I lost everything due to the MB I could simply shrug it off.
What happened? Nothing. I only left Miona running and it simply rolled over without a problem. The others booted normally as well. I even started Stone, the old 386 box, which only runs a few hours every four or five months, and it booted without problem.

On the non computer side of things we didn't do any preparations either. No stockpiling of food or fuel, no filling buckets of water. The idea was that we live in a civilized country. Even if the utilities would break down they would be brought back on line (or is that on pipe for water and gas?) soon. We are not hyped up to mass hysteria by the media so the chances of uncivilized behaviour like riots and plundering are small. As I said we live in a civilized country, not in America :)

There were no millennium related problems anywhere in the country. On the news one of the 'experts' said that the "Millennium Mug" was easily squashed by the computers. Mug is Dutch for Mosquito.

Civilized or not I did eat too much. On New years day my father always makes a special dinner (well, at 12h30 it should be called lunch but ...). This year some fish soup to begin, with an entre-mis of salmon and dab and shrimp with a delicious dill sauce The main course was some very well baked steak with a mix of haricots, mushrooms and carrots, swimming in a spicy sauce Served with some white and red wine and followed by a selection of cheeses.
By the time I had cleared the table (15h00) my uncle arrived for a visit so we started on the cake.

So, yes I lied. we did stockpile food :-)

As good as the food was someone had to do the washing. I finished that at around 17h30.

Time for another cup of coffee. With a cognac of course.

I shifted all the 1999 daynotes to the MIM (roman 1999) directory and moved the 2000 structure from MM to CAL. The links should all work normally, with a few extra to go back to the old year. The new Calendar is ready though our holidays aren't marked yet.


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