Ts ts ts.)
Open windows :
- Siunfest http://www.sinfest.net/archive_page.php?comicID=3023
- www.seraph-inn.com/
- www.progressquest.com/info.php
- http://yaoi.y-gallery.net/view/368323/
- http://www.jaiku.com/
- http://pownce.com/
- http://scienceblogs.com/tetrapodzoology/
- http://www.unowen.net/tegaki/dblog.php?u=1409
- http://mazin.net/dev/js-dhtml-hints.html
- http://www.starwars.com/databank/vehicle/valorumshuttle/index.html
- http://wherewedowhatwedo.com/
- http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2xfuo_asa-asha-fire-on-the-mountain_music
- Amadeus The Piano http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ls3q1E5ZE6k&feature=related
- Amadeus Freedom http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpBj3P_CKVY&feature=related
- Amadeus King Of Fairies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ympBAlnKaF0&feature=related
- Amadeus Andalucia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLJi8VQTLMU&feature=related
- Celtic Sands King Of Fairies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lE1mtDRvso0&feature=related
- Celtic Sands Tam Lyn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olyv6YpiGZs&NR=1
- Kelpia King of Fairies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLBxZMnTFu4&feature=related
- Africa (acapella) www.youtube.com/watch?v=05ip-N0H1Ig
- rin
- sound of music
- -
- -
- -
- Enya http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJDNqqTpwIA&feature=related
- Lord of the Rings http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dr_i2w0W-ZM&feature=related
- moby: pale horse
- -
- -
- dto-collective.deviantart.com/art/Thoughts-on-Writing-69933614
- The balloon storry (www.lulu.com/content/3180731)
- -
- www.oddee.com/ odd stuff
- www.yankodesign.com/
- www.shinyshiny.tv/
- www.geekologie.com/
- http://www.iwantoneofthose.com/
- www.likecool.com/index.php
- -
These are the local pages, normally not accessable from the outside web
- Address book
- Strips, Cartoons
- Manuals, Sources, Downloads, etc. Specific topics
- Computer news Dailies, Magazines, General computing sites
- sasa [stst]
- Swijsen NET []
- LiveJournal [sjonsvenson.livejournal.com/]
- LJ-Pictures []
- FlickR []
- DeviantArt []
- Gaia []
- Yaoi []
- Vox []
- INVU []
- Sparkle []
- MySpace []
- Livejourbal []
- Insane Journal [sjonsvenson.insanejournal.com/]
- Blogger [sjonsvenson.blogspot.com/]
- []
- Plurk [www.plurk.com/]
- TwitterPic [twitpic.com/login.do]
- Twitter [twitter.com/]
- GoodReads [www.goodreads.com/user/sign_in ]
- http://wiki.dwscoalition.org/notes/Special:UserLogin [http://wiki.dwscoalition.org/notes/Special:UserLogin] sjonsvenson edc032sdf
- []
- Mini Missy [www.missmissysatine.co.uk/blog/]
- sheezy art ... [www.sheezyart.com/]
- Fortis []
- DreamWidth [http://wiki.dwscoalition.org/notes/Special:UserLogin] sjonsvenson - edc032sdf
Other people :
- simplyautumn [simplyautumn.com/blog/]
- []
- Mini Missy [www.missmissysatine.co.uk/blog/]
- HaloPhounix [moblog.net/halophoenix/]
- []
- []
- sasa [stst]
- Fortis PC banking [www.fortisbanking.be/portal/start.asp?target=menu-daily]
- []
- Sjon Mail new [https://mail.hover.com]
- Sjon Mail [www.netidentity.com/members/webMaillogin.asp]
- Sjon Svenson account [www.netidentity.com/members/MemberLogin.asp]
- Bable fish for translating really incomprehensible (even unreadable) stuff (not good, just good-enough) [babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/tr]
- Jargon File [www.tuxedo.org/jargon/]
- sasa [stst]
- sasa [stst]
- Web :
- Yet another browser [http://offbyone.com/offbyone/]
- BBEdit free editor -Apple- [http://www.barebones.com/]
- Bluefish (Linux source editor) [http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/]
- Danga (LJ sourcecode) [danga.com/]
- Arts
- Ironshod (from DA) [http://www.annestokes.com/]
- sasa [stst]
- Next :
- wiki-blog [www.wikispaces.com/]
- arts-angel [http://blog.arts-angel.com/]
- sasa [stst]
- sasa [stst]
- sasa [stst]
- More :
- RF jammer
- NAS lite Network storage [www.serverelements.com/]
- OpenFiler Network storage [openfiler.com/]
- FreeNAS Network storage [freenas.org/]
- Plurk Apps [www.plurk.com/TwitterApp]
- sasa [stst]
- sasa [stst]
- Boken [stst]
- sword [stst]
- soul of the sword [stst]
- sasa [stst]
- sasa [stst]
- sasa [stst]
- sasa [stst]
- sasa [stst]
- sasa [stst]
- http://escapepod.org/ [stst]
- sasa [stst]
If you want to be organised, stay clear of computers..