Home > Food > Recipes > Fish > Salmon - 12 .  

Ingredients    ^


1 large Salmon fillet (~300g)

200g leeks.

200/300 ml fish or chicken stock (3~4 cups)

100g grated white cheese.

herbs (thyme, parsley, paprika, pepper, ginger, garlic)



That serves one (hungry) person.


How To    ^


Put the leeks with 1 cup of the stock in a large oven-dish and put it in the oven (160-degrees) for about 10 minutes. At all times you must check that the leeks don't dry out, add more stock if needed (but don't pour too much in) and stir when you check.

While that's in, you peel the potatoes and put a pot of water on the fire. You also paint some olive oil on a sheet of aluminium foil (big enough to wrap the fish in) and spread some herbs on it. Pack the fish in the foil.


When the leeks have 'cooked' their 15 minutes () you put the potatoes on the pot with (now boiling) water and place the packed fish among the leeks. You can add some herbs (ginger, pepper,...) to the leeks now. And probably some more stock.


Now, heat up a cup of stock in a sauce pan and add half the cheese. Keep warm without boiling. when the cheese is melted and has completely mixed with the stock you add the rest of the cheese. (Adding it all at once will cool the stock down too much, if you make more add the cheese in more stages).

When all the cheese is melted and mixed up you have a nice true cheese-sauce. By now the fish is ready so you take the dish out of the oven. Move the fish out of the way. Add the sauce to the leeks and mix in well. Put the fish, without foil, back in the center of the dish.


Of course just at this time the potatoes are ready and you don't want them to over-cook and fall apart so you forget the fish and get the potatoes out of the water and in a (pre-heated) bowl.


Forgotten fish is not good so you quickly sprinkle some grated chedar over the dish (don't cover it all, just a little bit is enough) and shove it back into the oven, using the grill.

During the 35 seconds it takes to grill the cheese (ok depends on your grill) you can serve the potatoes and (maybe) uncork a bottle of wine.

Hurry back to the kitchen and pull the dish from under the grill before the burning smell spreads .... Heu, before the burning can start ...


While rushing the dish to the table you can stop long enough to put a decorative touch to it. Like a stem of parsley, or a few leaves of mint or some thin slices of green paprika. (I propose something green to contrast with the melted tan of the chedar and the red of the salmon).


Serve directly from the oven dish.



Food for thought.
© 2002 Swijsen